Whether you’re trying to avoid telemarketers or you want to share a crazy voicemail you just received, the “stock” phone dialer on your Android phone has some pretty clever tricks up its […]
Nope, you’re not being paranoid. From pickpockets to malware, your Android phone is under siege from all sides. Wily attackers are continually switching up their tactics in hopes of taking control of […]
Never before has it been easier to clone a human voice. New AI tools can take a voice sample, process it, copy it, and say anything in the voice of the original. […]
Now that Google’s Instant Apps have made it to the Play Store, you can expect to see a lot more of them. While the initial rollout is limited to just a handful of […]
Some of the most popular phones on the market run heavy custom UIs with more features than any sane person needs (we’re looking at you Samsung and LG). The OnePlus 6 doesn’t […]
Android phones might get a bad rap, but they’re actually quite secure. Or at least they can be. With a little work, your Galaxy, Pixel, or OnePlus phone can be a veritable […]
If you’ve been watching Marie Kondo’s Netflix show, Tidying Up, you’ve no doubt caught the cleaning bug. Kondo’s organization method breaks down your clutter into five key areas: clothing, books, paper, komono […]
When Opera announced that it was shutting down its VPN app for iOS and Android last year, it appeared as though it was gone forever. In fact, Opera directed users toward SurfEasy […]
Samsung is so confident in the battery in the Galaxy S10 that it’s letting you give away some of your precious percentage points. A new feature called Wireless PowerShare lets you literally […]
Scanning photos into digital copies isn’t just for old photo albums. These days, you’ll often have to decide whether to buy an expensive digital version of school photos, not to mention weddings. […]