In this tutorial I’m going to show you how to create a reflection in Photoshop. This is more of a graphic design trick that has been used a lot lately for things […]
Combining selections tools in Photoshop Is it possible to make a selection of this semi-complex shape in only 3 selections? Of course the answer is yes. Ok if you’ve given up, or […]
Fix photo contrast and color with eyedroppers in Photoshop There is a great way to correct dull photos in Photoshop using levels and the eyedroppers. This works really well for photos that […]
How to create glints of light in Photoshop, starburst effect. Step 1 First thing we need to do is create a new document. I set my background to black to that I […]
Step 1 Open the image that you want to work with and also open any image of a sunset. Step 2 Choose Image>Adjustments>Match Color The Match Color dialog box will open. […]
How to make Anime beads in Photoshop Step 1 Create a new document Create some text. (I used Planet Kosmos at 50 points) Ctrl/Cmd+Click on the texts’ layer thumbnail to load the […]
Hope you enjoy this tutorial, specialy written for by raul bermudez ,elemento.1 Step 1 First start by creating a new document. I will recommend at least 1000×1000. Create a black background, […]
Welcome to the best free resouce for learning Adobe Photoshop online. Based out of Southern California, we have been providing high Quality Photoshop tutorials for 20 years. We’re passionate about Photoshop and […]
How to create a screw head in Photoshop tutorial 1. Make a circular selection. Tip: Hold down Alt/Option to draw from the center. Hold down Shift to draw a perfect circle. To […]
In Photoshop, it’s always been a challenge to make dotted lines until Photoshop CC. This tutorial is going to show you how to make dotted lines in any version of Photoshop, not […]