Using Photoshop on iPhone Tutorial Photoshop has been released on the iPhone. Its not the full featured Photoshop, but it is a great tool for making composites and combining different photos together. […]
(Note, this tutorial has been updated by Colin to cover Photoshop CC, Actions work basically the same in every version of Photoshop) This week I’m going to walk through the process I use when […]
Al Ward, Action Fx Photoshop Actions Resource Hello Colin and denizens of the PS Café! Sorry for the horrible delay in sending this column/article/tutorial. I could spout a dozen excuses for not […]
If you are looking for skills that will help you in creating cubes, and understanding gradients etc, this tutorial is perfect for you. However, if you are wanting to make 3D photo […]
Step 1 1. Make a new canvas. Here, I used 800 x 800 pixels, 72 dpi, RGB, background white2. Invert your background to make it black2. Make a new layer3. Use your […]
How to make rusted text effect in Photoshop Step 1 Start with some test on a new layer. Rasterize the type, by right clicking on the name on the layer thumbnail and […]
This Tutorial has come about due to a few requests. This starts with a fairly simple object, and finally ends up with the orb Design. Take it step by step, and you […]
0 SHARES ShareTweetPinterestLinkedin GoogleWhatsappDiggRedditStumbleuponDeliciousTumblrFlipboard HDR Photography explained This is an HDR primer that explains exactly what HDR is and why you should use it in your photography. Have you wanted a simple […]
How to make Anime beads in Photoshop Step 1 Create a new document Create some text. (I used Planet Kosmos at 50 points) Ctrl/Cmd+Click on the texts’ layer thumbnail to load the […]
You have seen stamped metal text, maybe its on the emblem of a product etc, here is an easy tutorial to recreate this effect in Photoshop. 1 First of all start with the […]