Layers are at the heart of Photoshop. If you want to get good and fast at Photoshop, you really have to master the use of layers. (learn all about the basics of Layers […]
Adobe recently added a few little features into Photoshop that makes it a lot easier to cut out hair. They keep refining select and mask with each version of Photoshop. Masking and […]
Blending layers with faces in Photoshop This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to combine images together to make a composite. I will show you a tip that helps automatically isolate faces […]
Free Photoshop tutorial. Ultimate guide to select and mask in Photoshop, how to get perfect edges on every background removal When you make selections to cut out images, often you will have […]
Adobe Photoshop mini masterclass on Select and Mask. The video and written steps explain how every tool in Select and Mask work, so you can fix all the common problems we get […]
Yes, you can “magically” remove people and objects out of photos using Adobe’s expensive Photoshop application. But did you know that a simple version of the same tool is hidden within Windows […]
How to automatically select people and facial features in Photoshop, like in ACR + Lightroom A lot of people have been asking for this feature. Ever since Adobe added the ability to […]
How to select an object within an object in Photoshop In this Photoshop tutorial, I’ll show you how to quickly select an object in photoshop. You might already know about the object […]