If you want to setup email on your Android smartphone or tablet then follow these simple steps. The process may vary slightly from phone to phone because of different Android versions and […]
When your smartphone decides that your Wi-Fi link isn’t good enough and automatically goes looking for a better connection it can cause your connection to drop out. Here’s what to do when […]
So you want to take a screenshot on your HTC smartphone but can’t work out how. Well here we show you how to capture a screenshot on any HTC handset with Android. […]
After many months of rumours, Amazon is about to finally reveal its first smartphone. Here’s how you can watch live coverage of the Amazon phone launch event. Many tech launches are hyped […]
Advice about how to prepare for the release of Android L, including installation tips and advice about whether you should upgrade or not. Plus: will your phone or tablet even be compatible […]
What is NFC? What is NFC for? Find out in our essential guide to NFC, and how to use NFC on your smartphone to do useful things. We explain Near Field Communications […]
If you’re like us, you use your phone as a replacement PC, camera, gaming device, sat nav, iPod and more. Smartphones are tasked with storing your photos, music, contacts, calendars, emails, and […]
We’ve compiled a list of the most common smartphone questions asked by consumers. Why is my phone…? Here’s the answer. (See all Android tutorials.) We’ve focused on Android but most of our […]
You might think recording calls on your smartphone would be a relatively easy task. After all, most new models arrive with some sort of voice recording app already installed, and it shouldn’t […]
Whether your new Windows Phone is your first smartphone, an upgrade or you’re coming from Android or an iPhone, here’s how to get set up including your email, contacts, apps and more. […]