A phone is all most people need to send and receive text messages, but sync your inbox to your Android tablet and you can more easily manage your SMS- and multimedia messages. […]
A key criticism of Windows Phone is its lack of Google apps, but if you’ve just moved from Android to Windows Phone or simply enjoy the simplicity of Google’s apps, there are […]
Vivaldi is on its fifth day of trying to navigate an issue that has taken down its online sync services, preventing information from being shared between machines. The problem surfaced on Dec. […]
There are 2 different versions of Lightroom. This tutorial explains why there are 2 versions and shows you how to make them talk to each other. You will learn how to selectively […]
Vivaldi has taken another slow step toward providing better sync options for users with the ability to push a tab to another device, plus a new weather widget in Vivaldi 7.1. The […]