Step 1 Start with your shape on a new layer. Try experimenting with a shape of your own. I drew this with the polygon lasso tool an filled it with green. Step […]
There is a little nostalgia in this tutorial for me. This is one of the first tutorials I ever wrote and it was the effect that inspired me to start writing tutorials. […]
Let’s talk some more about texturing, this time working with an interface style image over several layers. Photoshop 6 layer styles allow us to do some fantastic effects with patterns, and I […]
A couple of years ago, some Action enthusiast friends of mine expressed their concern that I was pursuing a vapor, a ghost, an insubstantial illusion in my quest to promote Actions in […]
(Note, this tutorial has been updated by Colin to cover Photoshop CC, Actions work basically the same in every version of Photoshop) This week I’m going to walk through the process I use when […]
(By Al Ward) Though I’m generally known as an actions guy, I’m interested in all types of addons you can create in Photoshop in presets that can be created, saved and reused […]
Al Ward, Action Fx Photoshop Actions Resource Hello Colin and denizens of the PS Café! Sorry for the horrible delay in sending this column/article/tutorial. I could spout a dozen excuses for not […]
0 SHARES ShareTweetPinterestLinkedin GoogleWhatsappDiggRedditStumbleuponDeliciousTumblrFlipboard 1. As always, start with a transparent layer.Draw a circle using the circular marquee tool. Tip: Hold the alt/option key to draw from the center and hold the […]
1 Make sure you have your image on its own layer with no background. This is the #1 mistake people make, in older versions of Photoshop you would have saved it on […]
If you are looking for skills that will help you in creating cubes, and understanding gradients etc, this tutorial is perfect for you. However, if you are wanting to make 3D photo […]