Step 1 Make a selection on a new layer with the rectangular marquee tool (M) Step 2 Press the “G” key to select the gradient tool. Select linear gradient […]
Step 1 1. Make a new canvas. Here, I used 800 x 800 pixels, 72 dpi, RGB, background white2. Invert your background to make it black2. Make a new layer3. Use your […]
Step 1 Create a new document.Mine was 300X200 pixels. You would probably want something larger. Modify all the settings for a larger image size. Experiment. Create a new layer With the Polygon lasso […]
Step 1 Have you ever seen the movie Predator? There is a part when you look through his eyes and everything is infra-red looking. While I am on the science type effects, […]
0 SHARES ShareTweetPinterestLinkedin GoogleWhatsappDiggRedditStumbleuponDeliciousTumblrFlipboard Step 1 Create text on new layer 1. and rasterize – PC right click on name in layers pallette/Mac-Cmd Click >rasterize Step 2 Make new layer 2. and […]
Step 1 Create a new Document 50 x 50 PixelsRBG modeWhite background Select the entire image area: Select>all Choose Edit>Stroke Enter a setting of 2 – inside Step 2 Choose the […]
This is a basic Photoshop tutorial on color tinting. For a more up to date and in depth look, check out the color grading in Lightroom and Photoshop 2024 tutorial Step […]
How to make water splashes and blood splatters in photoshop tutorial. Step 1 Open background image. Here we used 400 X 250 pixels at 72dpi. Copy this image to your computer or […]
1 SHARES ShareTweetPinterestLinkedin GoogleWhatsappDiggRedditStumbleuponDeliciousTumblrFlipboard How to make a explosion effect in Photoshop with flying sparks Step 1 Put your type on its own layer and render. Right click/Cmd Click on its name […]
Reflective Liquid Type by Al Ward Tutorials on creating metal type abound online, as do variations on simple liquid effects. Most are fairly short, offering a good foundation for the reader on […]