If you add an HDMI dock and a wireless controller to your Steam Deck, it’s basically a console that can play Steam games on your PC. But can you build a box […]
As the proliferation of smart home devices continues, users are growing increasingly worried about manufacturers who are collecting data and effectively spying on their in-home behaviors. It’s been a big topic of […]
Disney Plus has come along at just the right time with most of the UK stuck at home needing more entertainment than ever. But can you get the Disney+ app on your […]
Have you ever let out an audible groan when an app on your TV asks you to type something? It’s never fun having to navigate an on-screen keyboard using only the directional […]
If YouTube TV’s latest price hike feels like a breaking point to you, you’re not alone. Over the last week, I’ve heard from a bunch of folks who say the rate hike—from […]