Cortana is one of the most useful features of Windows 10. But if you weren’t previously introduced to the Microsoft digital assistant via Windows Phone, you might have little idea how to […]
This Photoshop tutorial is created in Photoshop CC, but it works in any version of Photoshop. Learn how to fill a shape with a photo. 1. Using advanced Blending: Blend […]
In the past, I have made several tutorials on combining images and layers in Photoshop. This tutorial is intended to help you jump start your creativity. I’m going to show you some […]
Unless you’re on an unlimited data plan, it’s quite possible you’ll burn through your monthly allowance of mobile data without even realising it. Scrolling through TikTok videos, watching YouTube or Netflix or […]
After you cut out or mask an image in Photoshop, it’s common to have black or white fringes or just jaggy around the edges. Here I’ll show you 3 ways to get […]
I’m going to show you how to combine images inside Photoshop. Watching the video will help you follow the steps easier, especially when we are blending the layers. BTW, if you came […]
In recent years, the focus of crime has shifted. The increased security of our computers has made it harder to spread computer viruses and the absence of cash makes traditional robberies rare. […]
Google’s latest Pixel 9 series is an excellent range of smartphones – the company’s best phones to date, if their record-breaking sales figures are anything to go by. If you happen to […]
4 Ways to quickly fix a photo, using Apply image and more in Photoshop There are many ways to fix photos in Photoshop and I have written many tutorials about them. I […]