What’s the first thing you think of when you read the words “web search”? According to market share data, nine out of ten of you would say “Google,” or at least that’s […]
Keeping track of your leaked data online is a thankless task, which is why services that monitor the dark web for your info have sprung up. Some are free, like the venerable […]
How to make text easier to read on the web using Photoshop There are a few little tricks you can do in Adobe Photoshop to make your text look a bit sharper […]
Remember Flappy Bird? You know, that mobile game that became an overnight sensation for its simple-yet-frustrating setup, and disappeared almost as quickly? I was never a fan, but I found myself fascinated […]
Last week, the World Wide Web Foundation announced in an open letter (PDF) that it would be “winding down” and “closing [its] virtual doors” after 15 years of working to make the […]
Windows is generally pretty safe, but the internet is a dangerous place full of malware that’ll infect your devices if you aren’t careful. One thing you can do to stay safe is […]
How do you bookmark a Web site? Most users venture into the Bookmarks menu, click Add to Favorites (or something similar), and so on. It can add up to a lot of […]
Back in the spring we talked about TunnelBear for Chrome, an extension that adds an encrypted proxy to your browser. At the time, there weren’t many great options for Firefox, but since […]
Part of this week’s news includes yet another major data leak — this time involving AT&T, which announced that account information for 7.6 million current and 65 million former customers was released […]
Did you know that Microsoft Edge, the built-in web browser on Windows PCs, can read text out loud to you? It works for text on web pages, PDF and Word documents, and […]