For over a year and a half now, WhatsApp has supported voice messaging – but yet we’re all still texting each other. Is this the 00’s? In a world full of voice […]
Most of us are pretty familiar with WhatsApp Messenger. You install the app on your phone, verify it with your phone number, then get busy sending free texts and picture messages over […]
Whatever smartphone you have, there’s a very high chance you use WhatsApp. The cross-platform messaging app connects billions of people all over the world – all you need is a data plan. […]
WhatsApp is a fantastic service for letting you chat with and send picture- or video messages to your contacts for free over a data connection without using up your tariff allowances. Now […]
Keeping your communication apps secure is an increasingly difficult task these days, thanks mainly to the various scams and hacks that have been taking place. One strong defence against identity thieves is […]
WhatsApp has become insanely popular with smartphone users because it makes it completely free to send pictures, videos and text messages, and make calls – even abroad. But it does have its […]
Since its initial release back in 2009, WhatsApp has gone on to become one of the most popular ways for people to keep in touch. The app now has over 1 billion […]
WhatsApp has largely taken over text messaging as our chat platform of choice, so before we know it we have hundreds of conversations, photos, video and other media stored in the app that […]
If you’re trying to cut down on the number of intrusions into your daily life, getting rid of various social media and communication apps is a good place to start. We’ve already […]
WhatsApp is a great app for keeping in touch with friends and family, allowing you to send messages, photos and video, and make voice and video calls all for free over a […]