In this photoshop tutorial by Colin Smith, you will learn how to paint color into a photograph exactly where you want it, while nmaking the rest of it Black and White. You […]
Film Noir (literally ‘black film or cinema’) was coined by French film critics (first by Nino Frank in 1946) who noticed the trend of how ‘dark’, downbeat and black the looks and themes […]
As you know, there are a number of way to convert a photograph to black and white in Photoshop. You can convert to grayscale mode (and lose 2/3 of the information) You […]
Valve’s Steam Deck is still regarded as one of the best gaming handhelds on the market, proven by how well it continues to sell. So it’s no surprise that Valve, in a […]
How to get the best Black and White conversion in Lightroom in 2 minutes Here is a quick tip for making black & White photos in Lightroom, including a slider that makes […]
In this live stream, Colin Smith shows how curves work. Learn to fix split lighting. Multiple different ways to convert color to black and white. See how LAB mode can bring out […]
In this weeks Live from Lockdown Colin Smith shows you how make your own LUTs as well as creative ways of using them. Discover the best way to make black and white, […]
This tutorial was created in Photoshop CC, but can be adapted to work on any version of Photoshop. This week we are looking at how to take a black and […]
I’m going to show you how to easily change the color of anything in Photoshop, including black and white Let’s begin with a simple example. We will change the color of the […]