Windows 11 is now three years old, and over the years there have been several major updates that have both added new features and changed the look and feel. It’s easy to […]
When you connect a USB stick to your computer, a notification with the title “AutoPlay” and the prompt: “Select an action for removable storage devices” appears by default. After clicking on it, […]
Most people who use the Home Edition of Windows 10 and 11 are unlikely to be aware that their computer also comes with a Microsoft encryption tool. On many computers, it’s even […]
More and more users are switching from previous versions to Windows 11. While upgrading is optional, if you buy a new computer, Windows 11 is increasingly becoming a given. As with previous […]
The sudo command stands for “superuser do” and is one of the most important commands to know in Unix and Linux-based operating systems. (See the most important Linux commands for beginners.) Sudo […]
Microsoft has a new update in the works for the Microsoft Store that will allow the software store to automatically update third-party apps that aren’t stored on Microsoft’s own servers, reports Windows […]
Once upon a time, Windows was notorious for its poor security, with frequent reports of major attacks by viruses and hackers. With the release of Windows 7, Microsoft started to get its […]
When you install Windows 11, you get a wide variety of programs and apps (in the Windows world, these words get mixed up a lot, and they really mean the same thing). […]
Back in August, Microsoft started testing some new changes to the Microsoft Store that primarily focused on a new Downloads section and a tweaked Library section, along with a new product page […]
Both Windows 10 and Windows 11 have a built-in command line tool called WinGet that provides a way for you to find, install, upgrade, and remove software and updates. This tool is […]