Killing Cortana isn’t as easy as it used to be. When Windows 10 first released, turning off Cortana was as simple as flipping a switch in the digital assistant’s settings, but Microsoft […]
Updated July 19, 2017, to reflect changes based on Windows 10’s Creators Update. There’s no doubt about it: Windows 10 is studded with data-tracking tidbits and hooks into all sorts of Microsoft’s […]
When you’re having issues with a Windows computer, one of the first steps to troubleshooting is to boot into Windows’ Safe Mode. Safe Mode is a simple, stripped-down version of the operating […]
Downgrading Windows 10 to Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 isn’t as easy as it used to be. When Windows 10 launched in summer 2015, Microsoft offered the operating system as a free […]
The Windows 10 Fall Creators Update launched on October 17, stuffed with all sorts of cool new features. That doesn’t mean you’ll get it immediately. Microsoft rolls out big updates in waves. […]
How can I type emoji on my PC keyboard? It’s a question that you’ve probably asked, given up on, shrugged, and then pulled out your smartphone. Now, with Windows 10 and the […]
Inking and navigating with a digital pen or stylus within Windows 10 has become easier within the Fall Creators Update for those of you who use a tablet as, you know, a […]
Dictation within Windows has lived in the shadows for years. Finally, with Windows 10 and the Fall Creators Update (see our review!), dictating text is almost as easy as talking to Siri, […]
Microsoft’s Eye Control for the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update offers up a noble goal: controlling your PC with your eyes, using a feature called Eye Control in the Windows 10 Fall […]
Windows 10’s Timeline feature helps answer the question: what was I working on? This handy, optional feature can track what documents and Web pages you’ve been working on over the past weeks […]