Remember the good old days when you could resize the Windows taskbar by simply grabbing it with your mouse and dragging it to the desired position? That option is completely removed in […]
Beware the signs of a PC plagued by malware: slower-than-usual performance, a sudden spate of pop-ups, and other anomalous issues. Yes, out-of-the-ordinary behavior is sometimes the result of hardware conflicts, but your first […]
In the new Windows 11, when you search for anything using the taskbar you might’ve come across some rather annoying ads and suggestions. While Microsoft uses this feature to try and recommend […]
Microsoft may be positioning its easy-peasy Windows Sandbox within the Windows 10 May 2019 Update as a safe zone for testing untrusted applications, but it’s much more than that. Windows Sandbox, and sandboxing […]
It took Microsoft a long time to integrate virtual desktop functions into its operating system. While virtual desktops had been established under Linux and macOS for years, they only made their way […]
Eliminating your login password from your PC is a bad idea—unless you own a computer in your private home that no one but you will ever touch. In that case, why not remove […]
Windows 7 is one of the best things Microsoft ever released. The much-adored operating system wooed back users who reviled the disappointing Windows Vista, and it remained a comfortable refuge during the […]
Are you tired of the Windows search function? Sure, it’s okay and it’s able to find most things when the indexing hasn’t gotten stuck sorting for a needle in a haystack. But […]
VPN (virtual private network) technology lets a computer using a public internet connection join a private network by way of a secure “tunnel” between that machine and the network. This protects the […]