The Lumia 1020 can take up to 38Mp photos, but by default allows you to share only 5Mp images. Here’s how to take and share high-res images on your Lumia 1020 phone.
I recently purchased a Nokia Lumia 1020
smartphone. Part of the reason for doing so was its 41Mp camera, however, I don’t seem to be able to access any of its high resolution images. I have it set up to shoot in the highest resolution mode, which says ‘JPEG (5 MP) + (38 MP)’, but whenever I attempt to share any of my pictures, I can only gain access to the 5Mp versions. How can I open my high resolution photos?
HELPROOM ANSWER Presumably your Nokia Lumia 1020 is hiding the high resolution images to protect you from massive uploads and downloads. They are, however, saved alongside the smaller photos in the same folder on the phone’s built-in storage. To access them, you’ll first need to hook up your phone to a computer using a USB cable. If you’re using Window 8 or later this will launch the Windows Phone app and display all your stored images. Unfortunately, this won’t show your high resolution pictures either.
To access these, you’ll need to open a File Explorer window from the Windows desktop. The Nokia Lumia 1020 should show up as a device under ‘This PC’. Double-click on the icon for your phone and navigate to Phone > Pictures > Camera Roll.
Here you’ll find the 5Mp images alongside the 38Mp versions that contain ‘highres’ in the filename. You can copy these on to your PC for editing.
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