Lightroom just got an update and one of those updates is the addition of 2 new ai masks.
The first is facial hair. This is useful for selecting and editing beards. You can make them darker or lighter. You can link the facial hair to the hair and get a more believable edit as they all change together. Also useful to get a little gray out of beards in Lightroom.
The second new mask is selecting clothes. To be brutally honest, this second one doesn’t work great at the moment, but I have come up with some tricks to make it work a lot better. I hoep this tutorial is useful for you. I’ll add the written steps later, its been a very busy couple of weeks for me content wise!
Masks in Lightroom and Camera RAW (in Photoshop)
This new 3+ hour set of 26 tutorials will help you master the use of the new Masks in Lightroom or /and Camera RAW. Get it here
PS Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media for more tips.. (I’ve been posting some fun Instagram and Facebook Stories lately)
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