If you already use Bridge and Camera RAW, you can do everything that Lightroom does, right?
You will find that Lightroom is a big time-saver when it comes to working with multiple images. It’s your personal librarian and darkroom in one. In this video Colin shows you how to organize multiple images, no matter where they are located using Catalogs, Collections, filtering and more. Learn about different ways of viewing images in Lightroom including, Grid, Survey, Comparison and multi-monitor views.
I travel a lot and do a number of live presentations every year. Quite often I do speaking engagements for Adobe at different events. One question I have been asked a lot, possibly more than any questions is a variation of this: “I have Bridge, I don’t need Lightroom do I?” “What is the difference between Lightroom and Bridge?” I created this video to answer this question. Watch the video and decide for yourself. If you feel like you want to get started with Lightroom, watch my video, Learning Lightroom in 15 minutes. Seriously, this free video will actually get you going in 15 minutes. You could also download a free trail of Lightroom from Adobe to kick the tires while you are watching the video.
PS Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media for more tips.. (I’ve been posting some fun Instagram and Facebook Stories lately)
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